Stroke Survivor’s Support & Rehabilitation Club of Nigeria:

We’re here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke.

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Our Blog

Minutes Can Save Lives

To raise awareness of stroke risks and action on prevention, SSSRCN in conjunction with Stroke MDT and Physiotherapy Department at Federal Medical Centre at Abeokuta have come together to mark World Stroke Day 2021. The theme of this year's commemoration is "Minutes...

Essence of movement for life

Being stationary was not the purpose of life, even mother nature abhors sedentary objects, the pathway to death is a sedentary lifestyle. Hence, the decay in their sedentary mode. The essence of 'being' is a cycle-like movement, just like our solar system, all...

Report of the SSSRCN Meeting, August 2021

The just concluded SSSRCN programme was held on Friday, the 20th August, 2021 which enabled stroke survivors to come together as one big family to have fun, share testimonies and learn more on how to live a healthy and fulfilling life even with their present condition...